Your first step is to let us know who you are. You are not making a unique account, but you will be providing us with information so we can know that you have completed the videos. 


Time expectations:

The videos are divided into four modules to break up the information and review key points before continuing. They do not need to be completed during a single session. Total time needed is approximately 45 minutes in order to watch the different presenters' approaches.

What you're watching:

You will watch three presenters as they talk to groups of kids using age-appropriate content. After each video, you will be presented with questions reviewing the content watched. It is important and beneficial to watch all three videos in each module even though they are covering the same materials. Each presenter delivers the information differently based on their personality and teaching style. Seeing the various methods is helpful to attain a well-rounded view on how you may present the information in the future.

What you'll be asked:

The questions are not intended to trick or stump you, only to remind you of the important bits of information and reinforce why they are significant. While at some times the answers may seem clear, please consider the importance of each question and how that interaction may sound to a young child.